Thursday, October 4, 2007

On a clear day, you can see for miles

I did it!
I flew my long cross country. That's 217 nautical miles around Houston and it was awesome!
The trip was incredible and it couldn't have been on a better day. I could see for miles and miles in every direction. I was going to write a huge entry about the things that happend along the way. For one thing a country radio station interferes with the Clover field frequency. I've never felt more Texas than when I was flying over farmland with country music piping in over my headset.
Anyway this flight did alot of things for me. For one thing, my confidence was bult much more by being in that plane for so long. By the end she fit like a glove. It's a special bond a boy and his plane.
Mostly though any doubts I may have had about my new hobby were completely obliterated that day. I'm hooked. The view up there is just too beautiful. As I flew out to that first airport everything just felt right. I looked out over the horizon and I was not afraid or nervous. The horizon was now a place, it was somewhere to go and it called irresistably.
I'm thinking people become pilots for different reasons. Some do it for the personal challenge. Others are more adrenaline drunkies, the big kids looking for that next big rush.
I am in it for the view. I am simply awed by flight.

This instense fascination/appreciation for all of this has led me to reconsider some life choices.

The view of Clover field as I left on my first big trip. Notice the blimp in the grass field.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Man, that blimp looks bigger from ground level. It seemed amazing like the end of it would blow into the runway if the wind came from the wrong direction.