Saturday, March 24, 2007

Peter Bjorn and John- Writer's Block

I bought this album with a quick and determined click upon hearing the 30 second sampling offered by itunes. It is not the best album ever but then again how many are? I'd have to give it a 6.5/10.0. It stands on it's own two feet but I find myself already "forgetting" about it.
The standout in my mind is definately the 2nd track Objects of my Affection. It is heartfelt and genuine...though bittersweet. It is the jewel of the album followed only by quirky hook infested jingles that so often populate indie records.
They are nice enough though. The song "Start to Melt" is fun with a wierd distorted 60's background. Unfortunately the song doesn't really go anywhere. Know what I mean? It's kind of the same feeling I get when listening to a jam band. I think to myslef, they are really good and I like the feel of thier stuff... but Geez why am I so BORED?
Ok enough Swedish bashing, the glass is slightly more full than empty.
I guess the novelty of their goofy swedish accents faded a little faster than I thought it would. I probably haven't learned my lesson though. Curse you Itunes.

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